Suite Natured Cruise Cast | Cruise Chat & News
Linzi and Mark aka Suite Natured host a light hearted podcast where they share their cruise experiences and give their thoughts on recent cruise news and stories.
Each episode is recorded and published in real time & unscripted, no edits, which can lead to some "interesting" conversations. Every other Cruise Cast we are joined by special guest co-hosts who bring they own experiences and style to the show.
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Suite Natured Cruise Cast | Cruise Chat & News
Awkward Cruising Moments - Audio Only | Cruise Cast Ep 27
In episode 27 of the Cruise Cast, which is also it's first anniversary, we are looking awkward moments experienced while cruising.
As usual we share personal anecdotes and scenarios that highlight the humorous and uncomfortable situations that can arise on a cruise, from art galleries to dining experiences.
As usual we also take a look at the some of the rcent recent cruise news, including the departure of a notable captain and the trial of a beverage package by Virgin Voyages.
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Cheers, and have a lovely day
Linzi & Mark
Linzi & Mark (00:01)
Welcome to episode 27 of the Suite Natured Cruise Cast. Hi, I'm Linz as always I'm joined by Marky. Hello. Hello. And today we're talking awkward cruising. But first, a little mood music.
Did that mood music sound awkward and set the mood? It did. Buy a lottery ticket. Wow! That's like two or three now that you've said have set the mood music correct. Well done. That seemed very awkward. I can't remember what it was called but it did have awkward in the title. Did it have awkward in the title? Yeah, something like that. Right, wow. Okay. But yeah. Fantastic. Well, what a way to start off episode 27 which is also our first year anniversary podcast slash cruise cast. Wow. That's gone quick. Mm-hmm.
And the topic for this one is awkward cruising. I feel awkward now. You picked the title for this one. I know, I know. tell you, no responsibility for this one. And the thing is, it's something, regardless of how many cruises you've been on or whether you've never been on a cruise at all, if you do go on a cruise, you're going to have an awkward moment and we need to talk about them. Okay. Well, we will talk about them in just a second.
because we've also then got a couple of news stories and we've only got two today because the ones that I think we'll probably go talk a little bit about. So I kept it down to just two. And no cruise confession this week. Again, just so we can talk a little bit more. smurfs this week. No smurfing this week. Okay. If you don't know that one, then maybe check the previous episode, episode 26. I've got to check Urban Dictionary before I stuff. Well, you need like Urban Dictionary.
in your retinas so that you've got it constant on there. like Neo in Matrix. the Matrix so you can constantly reference it before your brain like engages or doesn't. Okay well let's crack on with the the topic then. Awkward cruising. Yes. Set us off. Okay I want to talk about how I'm turning to look at you. Don't do that, that's well creepy. The first scenario... are we doing scenarios?
is in the art gallery. You're going to have an awkward moment in the art gallery. What's the awkward moment in an art gallery? You're there looking at a You're in there looking at a picture going, I could do that. And then sneaky, sneaky at the side of you is the sales representative saying, would you like me to tell you about the fabulous artist? And you're like, What are you thinking?
This is an abs. Why? We have audit where we've been a bit dismissive of the art on there. And I'm a terrible artist. So I have no artistic skills whatsoever. But I have said things along the lines of what you've said there. I could do better. It looks like a five year old's done that. And on one particular occasion, we had the artist stood about 10 foot away from us.
Awkward, it's awkward. I told you it's an awkward scenario. That's a good first scenario. Thank you. It's awkward. Have you got any tips for getting out of said scenario if something like that Don't go in. Don't go in. Don't go in. Don't go to an art talk, even if you think, I can get a free glass of Prosecco. It's not worth it. It's not worth the orcs, honestly. You see, I occasionally enjoy walking through the art galleries.
There's a couple of ships that I think have got quite nice ones. QM2's got quite a nice one that runs below Azure on the way to Queen's Grill. not Queen's Grill. I don't mean Queen's Grill, Queen's Room. Yeah. I mean, technically you might go to Queen's You've got to go through it. But I think that's quite a nice one. And some of them are quite nice to sort of wander through, but the nice to wander through it are sort of either very early doors or very late doors when there's no one else in Yeah, when you can enjoy it in your own time.
and appreciate the art in your own time. Not with this cup set in the salesperson or the artist. Or just feeling, I can't see $5,000 in that. I mean, I've seen pieces on there that are sort 20 and 30,000 that I genuinely can't see four, 500 and it. But art is in eye of the builder. I know is. know. And does it cause an emotional response? Yes.
Is it necessarily the response the artist was going for? No. But... Do you remember when we first went on... Is this the one with Cheryl? Yeah, Celebrity. We were convinced that the artist had painted... A flamenco dancer. But based it on Cheryl Cole. Now, if you don't know who Cheryl Cole is, Google Cheryl. She was on X Factor in the UK.
which is a Simon Cowell talent show. Allowed. Yeah, yeah. Cheryl. I don't think it was Cheryl, but it looked very much like Cheryl. Yeah, so every time we walked past it then, because it was on the way to the World Class Bar. Yeah, any time we went, yeah. So you couldn't avoid getting to it from where our cabin was. If we wanted to go to that cocktail bar, we had to walk past it. So we used to say hi to Cheryl each We just go, all right Cheryl. And it were transatlantic, so we had about 15 days of walking past it. Yeah, and I think...
The person in there thought we thought she was called Cheryl. But one day it had moved. We had moved. And we were convinced that someone must have bought it. And so we tracked her down, she'd just moved. She was still there. Yeah. So yeah. So, our gallery. What, give us some more awkward scenarios then. The Somalia. The Somalia? Yeah. What's awkward with the Somalia? Because... Is this on any particular cruise line or are you just thinking... The thing is...
You're not a red wine fan. No. And when we are... I'm getting more into it. You've had two glasses on all the cruises. We've been on two glasses of red wine. But that's two more than I'd had in my previous life. I'm sure in a previous life you might have had red I'd have had mead. OK. No red wine. OK, well... I'm getting more into it. Sorry, I interrupted your story there. It's not a story, it's the truth.
What happens is we'll get to the point where we have to what we were going to order a steak. Yeah. And then and the Somali ale say and can I put the wine? I recommend this wine. I recommend that wine. Full body red. Sounds like me. You might need to speak a little bit louder when you're making those really quiet ones. I'm really sorry. Otherwise it's going to very ASMRy. I'm trying to set a scene here. So what?
And then you'll go, I'll have the Moscato, please. I'll sometimes have a rosette or a white. I'm not a massive fan. Which ship was it where he challenged me to find one? It was MSC of all ships. was MSC, yeah. And he said, I will find you a red wine that That you like? And he did. I think he brought about two or three, didn't he? Yeah, and there was one that It was like, try these. And then there were one that I think that was the first time I'd ever had a glass of red wine. And enjoyed it.
In a restaurant? But can we remember what the wine was? I haven't got a clue. If only there was a video review of... I don't think there was. I don't think We did a review of Butcher's Cup. Yeah, but I don't think we did that bit. No, and I couldn't tell you by looking at the menu what it was. Wine. Maybe I should have made more of an overview. Yeah, and also when you're in the wine and you've ordered... You're there and you've got the wine menu and you're on the drinks package...
and you can have one glass of wine out of all the choices. That makes it harder. And again, awkward because... you've got the drinks back. The drinks back is just like, would I like this glass? $37. I think the other bits that sometimes you get with Somalias, and obviously this happens on land as well, so this isn't exclusively a cruise thing, but you're going to see a Somalia more on a cruise ship than you would do, I guess, on land generally.
But there's in and this is as much on me as anyone else there seems to be a little bit of that sort of wine snobbery element to it and the expectation of that you know what they're talking about when some of the time occasionally I do yeah but a lot of the time I don't and therefore you kind of almost just going along with it a little bit I don't think I'm
No, know, it's still awkward. I hate it. It me so awkward. Okay, give us another awkward scenario. Another one? Are you not doing any? Well, I'm trying to think of some. Spar endings. Spar endings? Where they try to sell you? Yeah. I know I keep talking about it, but I just, I'm going to keep talking about it until it's not a thing anymore, decided. I don't like it. Well, I don't think it's ever not going to be a thing because the, to be clear, in case anyone...
by some chance doesn't know what you're talking about. And this is the first time they've ever heard you. You're talking about the upsell at the end When you're all relaxed. When they then try and sell you some of the products that they've used on you during the massage because they believe that that's going to be better for you in the long run.
Then if I can do it at home, why would I do it on the ship? Well, also you need someone with their skill set at home. And I'm never going to get past the $150 Elemis bath salts. I know I keep talking about it, but I felt terrible for days. no, that, awkward, awkward. Yeah.
They've got to, I get that they have to sort of sell to that and I'm sure the crew are targeted to make certain sales. I'm sure they're rewarded in terms of that. I'm sure there's a commission that goes along with it. know, so I don't feel any worse of them trying to sell than anyone else in any sort of thing. But the whole point of going into a spa is you're going in there to relax and sort of unwind and you end up like, and we have been on it where,
Some of them is not push at all. It's just we recommend this and you go no, I'm good. Okay, thank you. Yeah, there's others who'll just keep going. It's a much more harder sell that one. I have more of a problem with Less than others Don't me next one If you've got one, I feel that I'm going this is it's a therapy session for you. It is here awkward balcony conversations that you hear while you sat on your balcony and you don't necessarily want to hear
of people thinking that they're in a little bubble when they're on their balcony. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yes. And you don't want to move your chair because then they'll know there's somebody there. So you just You end up frozen. Yes. They're like, can't, I can't move. I can hear all about. It gets to that bit anyway. You know you should have probably moved about five minutes before because that was a safe point.
But you've then just got to sit through it. whatever you're doing, if I'm sat by myself on the balcony and I know at some point you're going to come out and make it really obvious that I'm sat there, it's awful. It's awful. I don't want to hear about your medical problems. I don't want to hear about what... Love life problems, anything. I think that...
I do think people believe, because they're looking outwards when they're on a balcony and they can't see anyone there. And normally quiet, yeah. that there's no one around. And if you can't hear anyone, again, it adds into that that you're in this little bubble and no one can hear you. And I think that people just feel sort of more that they can just say what they want on there. Yeah. You also hear it from...
sort of above the deck if you've got a higher balcony. And you can hear people talking on like the pool deck. If you directly below that, we have some interesting conversations from there. But occasionally it's quite funny. Not I don't have that awkward moment there because they're upstairs. They can't see me. I'm not in their general vicinity. It's when it's next door and you can't move. Next door or sort of directly below you. No, because below me I can stealthily get away. It's when...
They're next door having their interesting chat. And now, I admit, I have some interesting chats in my life. I don't necessarily want somebody listening to it. Someone will have listened to it if you've had some of those interesting chats. I've had some very interesting chats, but I don't, I don't, I'm not doing it on the balcony. I feel bad enough as it is when we talk about.
It's making my nose itch now. I'm going to have to have a drink. This is lovely, this actually. One of the bits that I found quite awkward, and this has happened to me numerous times, I don't know how many but a lot, is you're queuing down at guest services or reception or whatever it's called on the given cruise line that you're on. And the person in front of you...
is having a huge kick off.
It could be about something serious, it could be there, but it becomes this mass drama piece like you would see on some reality TV show. And it becomes both captivating that you can't look away and horrifying. And you're hopeful that you're not going to be the person that has to see that person on the desk next. I've done that where I followed that person directly and I've just smiled at him and gone, mine's not as bad.
And they just go, thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. But it is awkward when, I don't know why, but people feel quite happier on, to be I've seen this at places like Disney as well, where it's said, but where people are on vacation, they feel much more open to vent their frustrations publicly than you would do it maybe at home.
If you went into a shop to complain or you were complaining at restaurant, you probably wouldn't be as loud. But whether it's the readily availability of alcohol or whatever else, but I have seen and witnessed some complaints, some of which I said the complaints were genuine and others it's like blown out of proportion. No, but it still makes you feel awkward. It does make you feel I've got another one. Okay, go for it. Therapy for Lindsay. Honestly.
I'm sure I can't be the only person. The only person that when you're sat at dinner and you've got a little two and there's another two and then the two at the side of you, frosty. Frosty. Where they don't say anything, they just sit and stare. They don't even stare at each other. They don't even look at the phones. They just look past each other. Yeah. We've had that a couple of times. I think we've only had it where they sat next to us once, where it's in very close proximity.
We've had it where they sat around us a few times. It still makes me feel awkward. And they've clearly either sort of just gone to dinner after having a big argument. they've never spoke at dinner in their lives. Yeah. But they just sit there and you're like, please just say anything. Mm-hmm. Have we ever then tried to engage with them just to break it down? Maybe that's what we should do. How's your cruise going? No. No. No. No.
So what would you recommend for people if that happens? Well, they're obviously not... can't really move. They're obviously not drinking enough, are they? need to... No, I mean... us! If you're the one sat next to them, so in our particular We have to drink a lot. How do you... Is that the answer to the awkwardness? Just drink more? Yeah, and then it becomes funny then. I mean, when we've done it when we've been in a restaurant, on land, you can text each other. I have a little handbag. I don't take that out. I've got a new handbag for my next cruise. You've got to see it.
So I don't take my Was that on your mind because it had just arrived? No, not that one, another one. the other one? Yeah, we can text each other. Is that the fruity one?
is the fruit of two hands. It is the fruit of two hands, so yeah. So yeah, that's another thing. That's another thing, and yeah. There's always these moments, you know there's an awkward moment where you're excited, you've got on the cruise, you walk into someone, you bump into them, you might.
It just reminded me of something. Physical contact and you're like, am so sorry and they look at you and they're idiot. And then that's the person you see all around the cruise for the rest of your cruise. You're thinking we're going to get on a ship that's anywhere between a thousand and eight thousand people, depending on how big the cruise ship is. The chance of me bumping into that person again is really slim. And you can guarantee you're going to get into the elevator.
with them and they'll just be the four of you in there. You're going to sit near them in a restaurant. You're going to sit on the same row as them in the theatre. You're just going to keep bumping into those people time and time again. And then there can be people you're looking out for. Friends are on there. You just don't see them. Never see them. Maybe they're avoiding us. No, no, never see them. But it's, it's, it's the, I don't know whether it's like magnets that attract. It's like an awkward power that just draws you.
to the awkwardness. It happens to me so many times. Do you remember where we were, went on, I think it was Oasis of the Seas. What's that? And we were getting a transfer on a minibus. Yeah. And we were talking about the cabins.
Yeah, but that wasn't awkward. That was a flex. Yeah, but then we kept seeing that same... when we were the captain and stuff like that. It's just like... And then when we got ushered through security... Yeah, it's a long story, but either way... We'll save that for another cruise cast. We'll do that specific story. because it's... I don't... Again, it's making me feel awkward because I liked it so much. You liked what we did. And now I'm awkward.
And now I'm awkward, I feel so awkward. Because in the moment, when I'm naughty, I take great, great pleasure in it. Like... Is that the late night Lindsay and you're coming out? Yeah. And she's quite happy about that. Yeah, and then afterwards she's like... then does little angel Lindsay feel bad? Little angel Lindsay feels super awkward. So, yeah. No, there are these things and they keep coming up time and time again, don't they?
It happens to us all. It happens to us all. We... You can take a lot of humour in them and they make some good stories when you get home with friends. though, not during, later. Not in the moment? Later. But afterwards, I Later. Much later. Have you got any final ones that you want to get off your chest?
No, thank you. I feel I've covered, there's more, there's more, tell us more, tell us more. There's definitely more. Let us know in the comments for they see whatever have sort of been the awkward moments you've had on board and how you dealt with them. Yeah, cause there's like your swimwear issues. Yeah, the number of times where we've seen inappropriate swimwear on cruise lines and people might think, oh, you know, well, we'll be talking about.
Virgin Voyages and stuff. Now we've had it where someone stood directly above us in the solarium on Royal Caribbean in the tightest, smallest speedos that a man could ever fit into that were also bright gold. They were gold like me once. Well done for doing it but you didn't know where to look once you'd seen it. I did, down.
down and away. Like rabbit in a headlights. A deer in a headlights. No, because that's looking straight at it. This is It weren't head height when you stood up. You might want to look. No, it wasn't looking. was the head height because they were on the level above us. You... I'm not saying a word. Awkward. Awkward. Awkward. Shall we do some cruise stories? Yes. So, cruise story number one. Okay.
Probably at this moment in time, the most famous or well-known captain, Kate McHugh. You say that to reading. That famous, yes. That famous. Surprised a lot of people, just think it was yesterday or the day before the time we were recording, when she announced that she's leaving Celebrity Cruises and the Royal Caribbean Family, which she's been an officer and a captain there for 22 years.
She was the first female captain of a large ship. Okay. American one. done. Yeah. But she has a huge social media forum. Oh she does. Massive on Instagram. So people were sort of a bit dismayed and that. But she's made it clear that her sailing days are not over. Okay, so the speculation begins. Well she said, I think she referred to it as the sailing continues with new seasons. New seasons. Is she going to be brilliant, do we think?
Well, that's what I wanted to have a chat about. Where do we think that she's going to end up? Your not so cryptic piece there of do I think she's going to be brilliant? Are you meaning will she be the captain on Virgin's new brilliant lady? Well, she's a brilliant lady herself. She's a brilliant lady. it writes itself, doesn't it? Now, we talked about this yesterday when we read it. Yeah.
Yeah, because this is not a surprise to me today. Not surprise Well, you didn't know we were going to talk about it, but you knew the story. Oh, a suspicion we'd be talking about it. But it was, you know, who did we think that she'd end up going to work for? Because there's only so many massive cruise lines. I know a job for her. What's that? Looking for a skipper at the Loch Ness Centre to drive the deep scan boat.
She might want something fancier than that, having just come from the... don't know, she have always had an interest in finding the Loch Ness monster. She could do. Well, we'll say that's, yeah, plan B. I'm not joking. It's a genuine job. it a genuine job? Yeah. Skip her for the Loch Ness expedition. Loch Ness deep scambot. How do you apply for that? Well, I guess Google it. know it's a thing. I think she might go for something.
sort of more commercial. She might just always want to want to find a message. Well maybe searching for cryptids is a thing for her but I'm not I'm not positive about it. like how you use the scientific term for Loch Ness Monster. The cryptid. It's only for watching Y files other day and I remembered it. Virgin would be an obvious one in that they are a big fan of the crew.
having very much their own sort of personalities. They're on social media and we know quite a few of the sort Happenings cast that have got big followers. But Virgin's captains are the most hidden of all the captains. they are, They don't wear the fancy gear. We were sat behind them on our cruise home in August when we went to the wake and there were like 10 of us and we were very drunk.
Poor people. If you watch that vlog back and just skip it to that, one of the people on that table is the captain. Yeah. I still don't know who it is, which one of it is, because they're not in all of the attire. And would that necessarily fit with what she's done previously to be in that? Maybe. Or could you see her jumping on to something like Princess with the Sphere class and taking over the new star?
she's a star too. Yeah. That one seems to fit more with the personality of it because the captains on Princess do get involved in stuff. They do get involved in the shows. Yeah. They have the big things in like the atriums. Yeah. With the sort of champagne pouring and stuff like that. I think that fits historically what she's done with Celebrity and Royal. Maybe. But it would be nice.
have that big personality on Virgin as well. So whilst it's nice there isn't the formality on Virgin of all the officers in all the gear, they're dressed the same as everyone else. I think it would be nice to have that as well. So we shall keep our eyes out as to where she ends up and whatever it is. I'm sure she'll love it. Ooh, little bit slurpy there. Never.
I'll just have a quick drink as well. I'll have him. Which, both of those things, have you got some ice in your mouth? Both of those last comments bring us on nicely to the next one. we're going to be talking about Virgin Voyages trialling a beverage package. Ooh. Which is why I said that I thought we might talk about this a lot. Yeah, yeah. So Virgin, if you've never been on Virgin, unlike other cruise ships,
don't have a beverage package. No they don't. They have something called a bar tab. Yes they do. Which is, like it suggests, you put money on in advance and that takes away from it each time you have a drink, whether that's alcoholic or non-alcoholic. And sometimes they can really add up. They can add up, but often when you book a Virgin Cruise, especially if you book it on board but they have big offers from time to time, they will give you a bar tab allowance. Yeah. We've been on it not long ago.
where we had over a thousand dollars bar tab. For four nights. For four nights. There was nothing left at the end of We did it. Challenge complete. But because you get that, we've never really been that bothered that we didn't have a beverage package. Each we've been on it we have had an allowance which has I've tried new things.
We've tried new cocktails like we like with a beverage pack. Yeah. So for us, the thing about a beverage pack is a few different fold. Yeah. That you pre-budget, so you're not thinking how much am I spending every time I get a drink and you can just enjoy it. Yes, yeah. So there's no nasty shock at the end of the cruise. You'll try drinks that you wouldn't normally try. Because if you're paying for it and you've got a limited budget, which we all do, then you go, right, I'm going to have this cocktail that I know I like. Yes. Because you don't want to You don't. Color outside the lines.
Whereas when we have a beverage package, both of us, whilst we will still try our favourites, We like to dabble. We will try things that we've never tried before. And we found some amazing cocktails that have become favourites from doing that. And we've tried ones that we will never ever ever have again. But we give it a go. The problem with the beverage bar tab is that you're a little bit more restricted of doing that because you are paying with your own money essentially.
Now again, you can buy a bar tab in advance, put say $300 down, and Virgin will give you a bonus on top of that. they don't match it. So they don't match it anymore? No, they used to match it when it first came out. That was long time ago. depending on your status with them, you get different amounts. But as a minimum, if you put 250 down, they'll give you another 50. So it's free money if you know you're going to spend it and you have to buy it in advance. So you are pre-budgeting as well.
But there's been a call from a lot of people. We've discussed it on a few videos ourselves, including when we did our review on the bar tab a couple of years ago. Yeah. should they still consider doing one? Yeah. Because Virgin came into the market, wanted to be disruptive and do things differently. I remember. However, I think there's been this fairly consistent requirement from passengers. they've become very popular. I've gone, we really would like that. Yeah.
Now, how this has come about, because there is some big caveats to this. One, it's only a trial. So they're just doing it for six cruises in March of 2025. So depending on when you're watching this... Listening? Listening to it or watching, this may have already ended on Virgin. Yeah. And it's only on one ship, which is Valiant Lairde. OK. So it's not across the fleet. They're just doing a bit of an extended trial. And it's only for people who are staying in the rock star suites.
How does that work? They can get the freebie Richard Rooftop hour as it is. They get a freebie hour. Or two hours as it is. Yeah, but they don't get free drinks all the way through. So if you're staying in the top level suite, which is the Mega Rockstar, you get unlimited drinks. So from the second you get on, you get a mini bar in your room, which they will refresh for you. They will...
You can have as many drinks as you want. There is no limit on it. Yeah up to the value I think of $25 per drink. Okay, so a huge amount of Sort of money there. I would say the drinks you would struggle to find a drink Yeah above $25 as a standard drink. You can go get a very expensive whiskey or very expensive tequila tequila but the
pretty much let you go and if it's over your drinks allowance in mega, they're just charged with the difference. Yeah, I like that. Which is good. In Rockstar you don't get any allowance. No. But in your cabin when you first get on the set you'll put a mini bar. Yes, I remember. So you get a couple of bottles of spirits and some mixers and you're aware. Yeah. But once it's gone, that's it. When you're out and around the ship you pay for it as normal. Yeah. So what they're trying to do is give you a little bit more within there.
but they've reduced it to $20 per drink, which still from our experience that covers all the cocktails that we had on our last cruise. I guess so. So you're not having to worry about it Not the tequila though. It also covers specialties, coffees, teas, juices, smoothies, etc. All that sort of stuff. So there in there. How much do you think it is to pay for this upgrade on these six cruises? So obviously they're testing it going...
Are people interested in it? How much would they be willing to pay? And do we open it up beyond that? Okay, so I'm thinking about Royal Caribbean as I do this. I want to say $110. Per person per day? Yeah. Well, when you look at Royal Caribbean, they have dynamic pricing on it now. hate dynamic pricing. I might be wrong on that, but I'm fairly sure I'm right. So it depends on the cruise that you're going on as to how much it is.
Virgin, it's a $95. Okay, that doesn't seem so bad. It doesn't, but... It's only available to the people in the Rockstar. You've got to be in Rockstar already. So, rest of the ship. On the trial, I think if they eventually do this, then they'll probably do it across the whole ship, because why make it so restrictive? But what I suspect they'll do is it'll be a different price if you're in Rockstar. Yeah, maybe.
I don't think it will be different tier. I don't think you'll only have 15 if you're in an inside and 17 if you're at a seat or us. think it'll be the same limit, but I think it'll just make it cheaper. Maybe it is 110 if you're in a seat or us. Maybe, okay. And then really it is down to you as an individual as to whether you think it's... Worth it or not. Good value. What they've also said as well...
don't matter if you're traveling in Europe on this particular one, but it does on these particular cruises that you can also use the allowance when you're on their private island on Bimini. that's good. I like that. Because a lot of the cruise packages, drinks packages, they don't allow you to use it on the private islands, which I always think's a bit...
rubbish when they don't do that. I they're game It's their island. It's not like they've got other people up here. So I think if you get the package you should better use it anywhere that's in there. you can use that within there. Any sort particular final thoughts that you have on that? I'm glad they're testing it. I'm glad they're testing it. I'm glad I suggested it. You did suggest it. Do you think they'll make it a thing? I just don't know trialing it on...
the mega rock star people, whether you're getting a... A rock star? Yeah, a full picture of the spending habits and nature of drinks purchased at set times and what... Do you think that's what they're looking at? How much people are going to be drinking on that and how much lost income they get? Of course they are. And also, what time do people start drinking? What are they drinking in the morning? What are they doing special to coffee wise? What are they doing at lunch? What are they doing in an evening? What are they doing after dinner? What are they doing... I think if you're doing that...
the amount of data you're gonna get from just a Rockstar for six cruises is very minimal. Yeah, because they don't, you know. What you're gonna be talking at the most across all that in the Rockstar is probably 500 people across those cruises, but not all 500 are gonna buy it. No. So you might have 50 or 60 cabins that buy this across those cruises. And I'm not sure you can get a good enough picture from that. Well, definitely you're not gonna get to look at all the data you just talked about there. You're not getting that out of, you know.
50, 60 cabins. You know, want thousands. Yeah, what's the most popular drinks? What's, you know, what? Well, it could be, you know, one of the drinks that you absolutely love on there is that Mediterranean Cheyenne tea. The cost of them doing that one will be far less than some of the other cocktails. know, I'd have all the cheese. That's purely in cheese that it's costing them against that, as opposed to the cost of a lump of Feta, as good as that Feta is in that. It's a lot cheaper than gin, I would imagine.
So I think they're up on it if all the people do take this package is eat the fetter and they'd be quite happy with that one But it'll be it'll be interesting to if they're all out. I do expect that we'll see another version of this trial this year and then I'm hoping My fingers crossed by the time we got on our next Virgin Cruise next year. It's available because we've two next year. So it'd be good for that to be available on those
we will definitely take it. Having said that, if that was for the cruise that were going on in March, at $100 a day, that had cost us $3,200 for the cruise.
That seems like a lot of money.
I'm not saying a word, that's a fortune. It is. Think of all the bath salts I could get with that. You could get two packets of Bellarmus bath salts. Can't get a Cheryl painting now. Definitely can't get the Cheryl painting, that would weigh more than that. Anyway, with that... Cheers darling. Ooh! Ooh, that was a good little... It was a good chink. ...clank. And shall we play out with... Say thank you. Thank you. Thank you for listening. Yeah. And we'll play out with a little mood music.