Suite Natured Cruise Cast | Cruise Chat & News
Linzi and Mark aka Suite Natured host a light hearted podcast where they share their cruise experiences and give their thoughts on recent cruise news and stories.
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Suite Natured Cruise Cast | Cruise Chat & News
Hot Weather vs Cold Weather Cruises - Which Is Better? - Audio Only 🎧 | Cruise Cast Ep.16
Is hot weather cruising really all sun-soaked bliss, or are there hidden perks to braving the chilly seas? Join us as we unpack the contrasting experiences of hot versus cold weather cruising, sharing personal anecdotes from our adventures with Virgin, MSC, and Celebrity. From the convenience of lighter packing to the festive atmosphere of outdoor sail-away parties, we'll highlight the joys of warm-weather voyages while acknowledging that not every cruiser dreams of endless sunshine. Whether it's exploring vibrant ports or dancing the night away at theme parties, warm climates offer unique charms that can make for an unforgettable cruise experience.
On the flip side, imagine gliding through the majestic fjords or witnessing the awe-inspiring Northern Lights on a cold weather cruise. We'll take you through the serene and scenic landscapes of destinations like Alaska, delving into the relaxed ambiance and exclusive excursions such as glacier walks and husky sledding. Fewer late-night activities and a more casual dress code can be a refreshing change for those seeking a laid-back adventure. And yes, we'll even throw in our amusing story of getting sunburned on an unexpectedly sunny cold weather cruise—proof that sunscreen is a must, no matter the temperature!
Finally, we'll tackle the challenges and considerations of both hot and cold weather cruises. Tips for navigating crowded pool decks, insights into the trade-offs of balcony cabins in cooler climates, and even a hilarious "Cruise Confession" from Jamie involving a naked balcony mishap in San Francisco. Plus, catch up on the latest cruise industry news, including Norwegian Cruise Line's new Prince tribute show and Virgin Voyages' wedding offerings. Whether you're a sun-seeker or an Arctic adventurer, this episode promises a comprehensive look at how weather shapes your cruising experience.
As usual the cruise cast includes our favourite cruise tips, takes on the cruise news stories and tales from our times on cruises.
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Cheers, and have a lovely day
Linzi & Mark
Welcome to episode 16 of the S Nature Cruisecast. Hi, I'm Linz. As always, I'm joined by Marky, hello, hello. And today we're talking about cruising versus cold cruising.
Mark :But first a's mood music.
Linzi:Are you just using the 12-inch Megamix of the same song and just using the same different bit? No, the different songs. Does it always sound the same, but slightly different?
Mark :right, you asked for this. The next episode you're gonna have something very different, hope so. I'm just trying to fit into like a mood and like sort of ease people into it. The mood's rubbish?
Linzi:fine, in which case, next episode, something very different thank you it doesn't set a tone, it's not set a tone hot versus cold.
Mark :Well, I thought it kind of did, but obviously not. Anyway, shall we move on to the subject of which you've just touched on there? So this was your topic. You wanted to talk about cold cruising versus hot cruising, looking at the sort of pros and cons to each why?
Linzi:Why do you always, if you feel it's going to be rubbish, point out that it's my topic?
Mark :I'm not pointing out that if it's rubbish, if it is rubbish, you picked it. But no, because I would expect you to lead on it more, because this is what you decided we want to talk about today. Okay, so shall we start by looking at the pros first. The positive things.
Linzi:The positive things of which Hot Okay.
Mark :Okay, so do you want to start off?
Linzi:Number one, it's hot.
Mark :Lindsay and her stay in the obvious.
Linzi:No, I mean, but what if you don't like hot weather? Well, that is a good point, but that would be a con. But we're talking pros. Yeah, you can very much If it's hot. No, it's going to be hot.
Mark :I think one of the things with it being warmer, it will generally mean and I'm sure we'll come back to the opposite side of this as we're talking about it that you probably have to pack less. You're not going to be layered up as much.
Linzi:You're going to pack thinner things not necessarily less yeah that's true.
Mark :You're going to pack thinner, lighter clothing, so it makes it easier for your luggage allowance. Yes, I would have thought.
Linzi:Well, yeah.
Mark :Certainly big heavy coats tend to wait more and you talked to me about stating the obvious I didn't go with it's hot um, yeah, I know, I hear what you're saying I think for me one of the other things with the sort of warm weather cruising. We've experienced this recently when we were on those last virgin one yes that you pretty much guaranteed the sail away parties to be outside and um, whereas when we're on virgin it were sort of dark. It was colder when we left, so we didn't get to have that one at that point, whereas whenever we've cruised out of sort of warmer climates you get to have that big celebration.
Linzi:I guess. So yeah, but it's not always guaranteed. With the UK, I mean, it could be a rainy, cloudy day, depending on where you're going out of.
Mark :Yeah, you know, I mean following on from that again, we'll talk about Virgin, but this is relevant to lots of other cruise lines Increasingly. They have their theme nights or the gala nights or the parties they have, elements of them that are outside. Who, like the white knights on msc as a marla, yeah, they have sort of top deck. Yes, and celebrations, yeah, they have outside eateries like on, yeah, um, celebrity, the what's the grill one on the Apex one.
Linzi:It was never open.
Mark :Its name's escaping me at this point, but when we were on that it just never opened because of expectation.
Linzi:Yeah pickleball cart. Tell us, what is that called. We'll remember on that. I think it's.
Mark :Speciality as well, and I think that the whole dining element I've kind of rolled into another one on that. You get to dine al fresco a lot more Could be, with a fancy word, on a Tuesday evening, um, you get to sort of enjoy it a little bit more eating outside, even if you're eating at the back of the, for instance, the buffet, where they have like an outside area or the galley type places. Um, certainly the they have like an outside area or the galley type places.
Mark :Certainly the top deck grill type stuff, yeah, and a lot of the fancier restaurants, including, for instance, on I think it was Queen Mary 2, you'll correct me if I'm wrong the veranda had an outside area. Well, um, am I remembering that?
Linzi:right, or was that Queen Elizabeth? I think it's Queen Elizabeth, but they also on Ventura. The Epicurean has an outside bit as well.
Mark :It does yeah.
Linzi:So you're right, you can take more advantage, when it's warmer, of those types of areas.
Mark :Yeah, you absolutely can. Any other pros that you can think of?
Linzi:Apart from the luggage allowance and the lighter clothes and being able to do things outside. Okay, I'm going to say excursions are probably nicer for you as well. If you're going out and about, your ports will be nicer For just having a wander, for a shock.
Mark :the excursions I would have as a pro in the cold one as well, and we'll get onto that in a sec but it definitely makes it easier to probably just get off at the ports and not have to plan to do an excursion if you know the weather's going back yeah, you're right, you can find a nice bar and sit out.
Linzi:People walk To do an excursion if you know the weather's going back. Yeah, you can find a nice bar and Sit out.
Mark :Yeah, people walk, go by, have a walk on the harbour.
Linzi:Yeah, yeah, because sideways rain is never fun.
Mark :No, and I think when it's, if you know the weather's going to be cold, then you have to plan around that.
Linzi:Yeah. According to and it can get more expensive then, because then you're more likely to go, need to go indoors, maybe visit a tourist attraction or have get some or maybe you won't even get off the ship, or not get off the ship and stay cozy. Yeah, I guess. So yeah, I agree, all right thank you.
Mark :Should we have a look at or talk about some pros to cold weather cruising? Yes, now when I'm talking cold weather cruising, when you said to me let's talk about this on the podcast, I immediately went to things like doing the fjords, doing alaska. I wasn't thinking about just going out of portsmouth in a uk summer. So I, when I'm talking cold weather, I'm not just where it's too. Yeah, I'm where you. Yeah, there's an expectation.
Linzi:The destination will have a cooler temperature from where you start.
Mark :Yeah, there's a chance of snow, there's a chance of glaciers. That's more what I'm thinking of yeah. So for me, the cold weather cruising will generally have more impressive scenery. I'm not saying that when you go to, for instance, the Adriatic and you go to Thothor and Dubrovnik, it's absolutely stunning.
Mark :But it's a different type of scenery that you see in a lot more greenery.
Linzi:Yeah, I know what you mean. Yeah, I totally agree. And also the skies are more beautiful, huge skies, starry nights.
Mark :Well, you've got a chance of depending where you're going, what time of year as well, but a chance of seeing things like the Northern Lights Yep, you're not, as even though you do get them in sort of a little bit in the lower hemisphere now, not as often, but you've got a far better chance of seeing them, sort of as you go a little bit.
Linzi:Yeah, they're saying that. I'm just trying to think, because when we've seen people do Antarctica cruises, then they go when it's the southern hemisphere's summer, which of course is Januaryuary winter yeah, it's light a lot, so they don't. They haven't seen the southern lights as they are. Nobody's ever reported it, but I'm sure well, you said no one's ever reported it I mean on the on on one of those crew expedition cruises.
Linzi:Yeah, not that we. Yeah, not that we've seen, not that we've seen, and maybe it's just because of the time of year. So, yes, in respect of going north, northern Lights, mare Whales.
Mark :Yeah, you've probably also a lot better chance of seeing more wildlife. It's not that you don't see wildlife in the Med, you do. You see dolphins and all sorts.
Linzi:Yeah, and those little flying fishies and yeah, so you do see some wildlife, but fjords not as much as Alaska.
Mark :Yeah.
Linzi:But again beautiful.
Mark :But the scenery, the scenery, stunning. I think one of the other pros to the cold weather cruising is if this is what you're after. There tend to be much more relaxed cruises. Where it's warmer, it seems to be more.
Linzi:A longer day.
Mark :A longer day and more sort of Activity. Yeah yeah, when it's colder weather, you're not likely to have a pool party starting at 11 o'clock at night.
Linzi:No, I wouldn't want to Even me, even late-night. Lindsay wouldn't want to go Late-night.
Mark :Lindsay would be there because she'd be at that point. 90% proof as opposed to 80% proof, that's you'd get in. But I don't. I don't think that they are as intense from sort of that party type scene. They tend to be much more relaxing and if you want to just have a good relaxing cruise, I would say the cold weather cruises probably lend themselves more, even on the same cruise ships. If you compare them in cold weather compared to hot weather, yeah, you'll find that the atmosphere is very different. Oh, definitely, definitely. I also think that let's talk about packing to a degree. I'll come back to it as a negative?
Mark :yeah, because it is an obvious one but the cold weather cruising also tends to be less formal. Now that might be a pro or a con. Depends on. Depends on whether you like really formal cruising or not.
Mark :I think these days, increasingly, people that we speak to prefer it to be a little bit less formal.
Linzi:I can't imagine Cunard's any less formal, regardless of the temperature no, but I think that's A-line. Yeah.
Mark :If you look to Holland, america or Princess, for example, we've done princess, we've done that in the cold and in the warm, and the cold one is definitely less formal yeah so I think you know if there's that side of it. One of the other pros for me for the cold weather cruising is they tend to have very unique excursions that you can't really do anywhere else.
Linzi:And by unique though this is a negative you mean pricey.
Mark :Well, that's in the cons.
Linzi:That's what I'm saying. It's a con.
Mark :But not that it's a con, it's a con. But in terms of the pros, you're not going to be able to walk on a glacier or go sledging with huskies in the mid-summer. I wouldn't expect. Give it a few, you can go sledging kind of to Bogganin in Madeira.
Linzi:Oh, you can yeah down in the little slays.
Mark :But that requires a very steep hill and two meters you know, you darling but the sort of more unique excursions that you can do, yeah, I do think, including to a degree, um, when you go to places like fjords, you're going sort of higher up the mountains, you're going up in cable cars, um, and so when you look at the alaska side of it, then you know you're doing seaplanes, you are going going on glaciers and salmon fishing, that sort of thing. Okay, just a little bit different, okay, okay, okay, what other pros can you think of for cold weather cruising?
Linzi:Not having to worry about all the suntan lotion Saying that though we got a chief of a sunburn I was just about to correct you there because we we thought we don't have to worry about it.
Mark :It was only for like a few hours, so we lied down.
Linzi:Don't get in sunburn I mean, that is the first time we've been sunburned on a cruise in like forever it's first time that we've been sunburned just full stop, because we're normally very, very I'm like, I'm so careful I don't tan.
Mark :I burn, yes, tan, no um, I've never had the tan and you're not likely to get it when you're in a cold weather crew.
Linzi:No, that doesn't mean you're not going to get so we, it's a, it snuck upon us and it surprised us yeah, it does.
Mark :Anything else you can think of from the positives?
Linzi:Tiff for the cold weather. Yes, you kind of know what weather you're getting. You don't.
Mark :How do you, though, because I found it more changeable you do, you know it's going to be changeable.
Linzi:That's the thing.
Mark :The only constant is change so what you know you're getting is change you know you're prepared for it.
Linzi:You're not disappointed. You're like oh, I expected this heavy rain today. I expected it to be freezing today. Oh the sun, what a surprise, how lovely.
Mark :You're not disappointed okay, shall we talk about some cons then? Okay, let's go back to the hot weather then. Um, for me, one of the sort of big negatives for where it's a warm weather cruise is that the outside spaces tend to be really busy, oh yeah, so pool decks in particular are packed from very early morning if you want to get the sort of primes, sort of loungers yeah.
Linzi:Now, if you like to reserve a lounger and I'm not judging, I'm not judging. But if you like to reserve a lounger and I'm not judging, I'm not judging. But if you like to reserve a lounger by putting a book on your lounger, don't just put the book just neatly on the lounger, open it up to a page and turn it over.
Mark :So it looks like you've been reading.
Linzi:Yeah, and also make that book really interesting so that people think I'm not moving that book because that person's obviously hardcore.
Mark :So would you have it as a? Are you recommending a more risque book?
Linzi:No, I'm thinking something about murdering psychopaths. Put that on. Put that maybe even the odd dictator put that on the sun lounger. Nobody's asking your book to be removed.
Mark :So is that your top tip? Not that we're condoning people to just leave people do it.
Linzi:We've got. I don't do it, I'm a good girl we are yeah I don't do it. I have seen it occur. But if you're gonna do it, make sure no one they look at that book and go no way.
Mark :We have done it where we've known that it's going to be busy, and we've been, because we tend to be quite early risers anyway, unless Late Nightland has been out, if we're sort of up early. We've been in sort of got a lounge at 6, 6.30 in the morning but had breakfast and stayed there, been there for a few hours.
Linzi:And then when we've seen people arrive, we've given them a wave. We're very nice, we're sweet-natured. We give them a wave and say, hi, come over here. We're about to leave, and then we make sure they come over, we get all the towels together and they're thrilled and that's a nice thing to do.
Mark :It is when it's a warm weather place, from an excursion. I feel we went off on a tangent there. You went off on a sort of how to intimidate people with a dodgy book when it's warm weather, walking excursions in certain places. So again, I'll talk about the med, but this can equally apply in Caribbean, wherever else you go as well. If you're going to places like, for instance, greece and you're going there and somewhere you want to go, to, the Acropolis.
Linzi:And it's 35 degrees or 100 in.
Mark :Altima and there's 4,000 people queuing in front of you not an exaggeration to get into the Acropolis.
Linzi:That can be a really hard day's work and uncomfortable, and it cannot be enjoyable no, we, we, we, we bared left and went to that lovely wine bar and just looked at it so we saw the cure went now and it wasn't even that hot relatively.
Mark :No, because I had to. I can't no, I can't do mid some so I think that's something else that you've got to take into account If you're going on where it becomes a hot weather cruise as opposed to a warm weather cruise.
Linzi:Yeah, I'm not.
Mark :When it is that you've got to think about the excursions really carefully. There is that temptation when you go to places like Rome or Greece and you want to see the big wonders, you want to see the Colosseum, you want to see the Acropolis. We must go to that. But make sure to check the weather in advance, like because if it is one of those hot days you're not going to have fun at all. No fun, and we like fun. It can follow on from that it can be too hot. You know this is picking the cruises.
Linzi:It's too hot, yeah, picking the cruises.
Mark :Isn't it too hot? Yeah, but we're from north of England, you know. As soon as it gets over 25 degrees, we're like, yeah, that'll do. I can feel the hair curling on my head you have that moniker bit going on the airway just curls instantly it's all wet and horrible.
Linzi:It's, but some people love the heat. I thought you were saying some people love wet and horrible.
Mark :I don't think so I'm not saying that they don't, but one of the other sort of negatives and this applies whether you're on a cruise or in a hotel or anything, okay, okay, yeah, if you're someone who doesn't like to sleep with the air con on, maybe you have a condition where it dries you out and you don't like that. You like it with sort of the door open I like a window or a door open, door open, I like a window or a door open. It can be a lot harder to sleep. So, yeah, it's just one of those things. Anything else that you can think of for hot weather. That's a negative that we haven't touched on.
Linzi:It's super busy. It can also be really expensive when it's really hot because you're in peak season.
Mark :I mean not necessarily, because it depends where you're going in the world and what you can. Oh, the summer holidays, school holidays, school holidays can be incredibly expensive. You can see the prices double to what they are sort of two weeks before. Yeah, okay. So yeah, pricing, definitely, yeah, cold weather, cold weather. So I state the obvious compared to your, it's hot, mm-hmm, it's cold, it is cold, but you but you're not as cold as I was expecting it to be.
Linzi:I don't know. I mean, I would like to go on an arctic circle cruise and I think they're pretty cold, cold yeah, they are.
Mark :But you, one of the cruise lines that you go on, especially if it's expedition cruising tend to give you the the jackets to wear when you're going off there, yeah, or you're going to go prepared for it anyway.
Linzi:Yeah. You need to be prepared. You're not just going with a windbreaker and a baseball cap. You need to get wrapped up.
Mark :And I think that brings us back on one of the earlier points at the opposite side of it, that packing becomes a lot more strategic. Yes, you're probably going to need to seriously think about increasing your luggage allowance If you're flying. Yes, and generally speaking, you're probably going to do it if you're going to one of the really cold places.
Mark :If you're going up to the fjords, well, you might be coming out of Southampton. If you're from the UK, yeah, but if you're not from the UK, you're probably going to.
Linzi:Yeah, because it's like us going to Alaska or something. Yeah, yeah, you've got to be really careful and you've got to. Here's another Friends reference Joey Tribbian ate on the plane and totally wet.
Mark :Oh.
Linzi:All the clothes.
Mark :But then you're too warm on the plane.
Linzi:Well, but I get cold on the plane.
Mark :Well, you wouldn't do it if you tribianed it.
Linzi:I still get it's crazy.
Mark :I get really cold on the plane. They keep it quite cold though, don't they, yeah Ding? One of the other bits to consider on the cold weather cruising because of how changeable the weather is, which we touched on earlier, is be prepared for excursions to be cancelled at short. Yeah, that can happen. We saw that on our recent Alaska trip, where, when we went into juneau, it was raining, the clouds were very low, so the anyone that had the helicopter excursions to the glaciers.
Linzi:they were cancelled yeah, and they're very pricey. So you've you've laid out quite a lot of money, you do, but it's, it's a hassle it is and you know you might be going there and that's one of your bucket lists.
Mark :Yeah, you go up on the glaciers and the helicopters or come back, and I think you've just got to be prepared that you are going to somewhere where the weather changes a lot and therefore you need a better change. Yeah, because of that, it's the opposite of the pool day in summer on the hot cruises. Really, the inside spaces, the bars and the cafes tend to be really busier most of the time. Yeah, and that can mean finding a couple of chairs or a table can be really challenging on sea days. Yeah, because we've seen it on colder weather cruises where you go up onto the top deck around the pool area and there's literally nobody up there no you go inside, it's heaving.
Linzi:There's no chairs or tables anywhere but you might find a nice quiet hot tub which we yeah, we like a cold hot. Well, we like a hot tub in the cold. Yeah, we like, we don't like a cold. No, no, no, and we, but I don't like getting out, and then one of us always has to get out and gets the towels for the other one. We're very kind.
Mark :You say that one of us always has to get out and get to the towels for the other one. We're very kind. You say that one of us always has to. When has it ever been you?
Linzi:It's been me.
Mark :When.
Linzi:It's been me.
Mark :I think you'll find that Marriage counselling. I think you'll find that I'm the gentleman and I will generally get out and get you the Listen. Keep you warm.
Linzi:But you've got less things to keep you cold, though You've got less clothing on. Well, yeah, you can dry off quicker than me.
Mark :Is that the thing? Okay, let's go with that. Another negative again, following on from that sort of it being busy inside.
Mark :The inside activities that they run tend to be incredibly popular oh, yeah, yeah they fill up quickly, so it means booking them as soon as you can get on. If it's ones such as the quiz, then on a summer cruise, hot weather cruise, you can probably tip up to the quiz five, ten minutes before yeah you'll find that there's people turning up to the quizzes and getting their tables 45 minutes or they've been there all day and they've got the knitting, or they're just staying there.
Linzi:Yeah, can I? Can I do a con one thing?
Mark :because they tend to be bucket list destinations, they are very pricey yeah, the cold weather cruising tends to be more expensive, in our experience.
Linzi:From what we've experienced. Yeah, it's very, very pricey because it's a bucket list thing. Oh, in search of the Northern Lights, we're going to charge you three grand for a balcony per person. Thanks, I don't think that's right. I mean, that's not nice, is it? That's not kind, that's not the sweet-natured way, but should it be?
Mark :half price well, I'm not saying it should be half price, but you shouldn't be able to go to the canaries for but is there a case that when it's a cold weather cruise, the um people are um eating more, drinking more, because they're staying inside more and not going to the ones because it costs the cruises more? I'm hypothesising as to why.
Linzi:I think they're just because it's a bucket list place.
Mark :I think bucket list ones they do charge more for there's only so many that they do. If you want to do them, it's 30 gruton with the northern lights.
Linzi:If they don't see the northern lights, there's only so many that they do. If you want to do them, it's quite different If they don't see the Northern Lights while you're on it. There's a guarantee where you can.
Mark :I'm not sure that they do that anymore. They definitely used to do that. Let us know in the comments if they still do it.
Linzi:That's a lie. I did cost it Again. It was over £3,500 per person to go. And also you drop off other people's post and I'm sorry I'm not doing that.
Mark :You don't personally have to get out and act like Postman, pat. It's just if they're going to some of these very remote places, they've got space on the ship.
Linzi:Maybe that's what I want to do. Can I have a discount if I drop it off?
Mark :If you personally become the post person.
Linzi:Can I have a peek at?
Mark :Postman Lint.
Linzi:No, no, don't sing. We've lost what we're talking about. You're just imagining me dressed as a postman.
Mark :I'm definitely imagining you dressed as a postman. It's not good. You've also got, if you um someone like us we we generally prefer a balcony cabin. Yes, if you're having a balcony cabin in the cold weather cruise, you're going to get less chance to sit out there and enjoy it. You'll go out there and stand and look at the views and stuff, but you're not going to spend hours on.
Linzi:No, but it does mean you've got easy access. For example, if they put the Northern Lights announcement now, you don't have to go and throw all your clothes on and go on the top deck.
Mark :You can just you know throw more clothes on, but why, if they're not on your side of the ship?
Linzi:Oh, that's a good, you're going upstairs.
Mark :But you are going to spend a lot less time on it and I do get where people will take, maybe an ocean view or an inside cabin on those ones one because they're cheaper and, as you said, the cruises are expensive to start with. Yeah, cost effective, I think that's the only way you're not, yeah, necessarily spend that much time out there anyway, no, so the only thing is I can't have it my door open at night.
Linzi:but if we have the air con on which do you need the air con on now, when you're in the arctic circle?
Mark :No, the only thing is I can't have my door open at night To have the aircon on.
Linzi:Do you need the aircon on when you're in the Arctic Circle? I don't know. It depends how warm they have the ship, doesn't it? I don't know if I'd like that. I don't know if I'd like that Because I just think a little bit of fresh air.
Mark :Am I the only one? No, I think a lot of people would like that's all right. I don't like that. We have, we can have the door open. I like going out on the balcony. I'm just saying you're not going to get to use it as much. You know, if you're in a warmer climate not hot one you know, if it's 25 degrees, you're gonna better have breakfast out there.
Mark :You're gonna better sit in an evening, get to full benefit of your time yeah, just have a bit of a chill hour you can just enjoy yourself what's a chill hour on the balcony. Which you can't really do that when it's that cold. We did it in Alaska, though, because the whales came up to see me. My final negative for the cold weather cruise oh, okay, you might have some after that.
Mark :Is that pools can often be closed for the entire cruise.
Linzi:Just crank them up, make them toasty. Let's all get in the pool.
Mark :And it'd be warm. Is this something to have a pool?
Linzi:party. No, no, it's not so I can have a pool party. I like a swim.
Mark :But we have seen it on a couple of the cold weather cruises we've had where the main pools are being closed for the duration.
Linzi:Which one was it? I just had the pool out.
Mark :yeah, the main pool was closed for the entire duration. You didn't have any water in. No, it was closed and it wasn't because it was rough seas.
Linzi:No, you see, I like a pool, I like to be able to swim, I like it so I can get in.
Mark :And there also tends to be far fewer outdoor activities as well. Yeah, that seems obvious if it's wet or cold.
Linzi:Yeah, but for swimmers, not jimmers, a pool is a nice thing.
Mark :It is yeah. Any final thoughts on hot versus cold which do you personally prefer?
Linzi:I like to do both. Well, that's a cop-out answer no, that's a lie. I like to do cold and I like to do warm. I'm not a hot, hot person.
Mark :No, so you're that in the sort of mid to high 20s top end so about 70 to 80 degrees fahrenheit yeah, that's your comfortable spot I?
Linzi:I think so because I'm I'm no fun when I'm hot, I'm no fun when I'm cold you.
Mark :You're the Goldilocks. You just need that middle ground where it's perfect for you.
Linzi:As usual, it's all about me, yeah, but yeah, I hope that's yeah. It's given us some clarity about we both like both.
Mark :Yeah, both are great on it, I would do a cruise, whether it's cold or hot, it's the bumpy, that gets you. Yeah, which doesn't always come with it being cold or hot. No, no, it doesn't, it gets a bit windy, yeah. Anyway, we've got our first ever cruise confession.
Linzi:Oh, I've been waiting for this.
Mark :Yeah, and you don't know this no no the same as with the stories. The topic we talked about, but the cruise confession you've not heard before. No, so in you may have heard sam and mayo do these in the past somebody else will get sued, okay and sued. The confessions are there no, we're getting sued we were inspired by that. No, you. You decide afterwards whether you personally forgive the people. Then we put it out to the audience.
Linzi:I'm worried we're getting sued, we're not.
Mark :We're fine, and then people can decide themselves.
Linzi:I don't like this. I'm uncomfortable already because I feel Are you ready for the we're? Going to get a cease and desist letter?
Mark :Well, if we do, it's the cease and desist letter well, if we do, it's the one and only cruise confession. But we have got some more lined up and if you have got a cruise confession, if you just get in touch with us on it's something else, it's cruise confessions.
Linzi:Can it not be the Cruiser?
Mark :We're getting dangerously into the 1970s Confessions of a Window Cleaner type thing at that point. I've now got that thing, you see, in my head.
Linzi:This is your life to believe. I've never seen it.
Mark :I need to get an instrumental version of that to play as the intro for the next Cruiser Confession. That's my jump for next time an instrumental version of that to play as the intro for the next cruise confession.
Linzi:That's my jump for next time. Instrumental version of that, as long as it's royalty free, I need to put the washer on, I'm just being reminded.
Mark :Okay, so are you ready for the first ever cruise confession? So this is from someone who shall just be known as Jamie.
Linzi:We're not changing the names.
Mark :No, I can give a name, so that might be that person's real name. It might not be their real name. They're known as Jamie. So Jamie was excited to be sailing up the Pacific Coast towards San Francisco Okay, lovely area. Wanted to make sure, as he was coming into San Francisco the following morning, that he didn't miss the sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge.
Linzi:I can understand that.
Mark :We've made sure that we're sort of up for when we've gone under bridges in the past.
Linzi:We like going under a bridge. I love it when there's a train going over as well.
Mark :Absolutely so. Before going to bed, jamie set the alarm based on when the ship was due to be approaching San Francisco. I'm guessing they told him what time.
Linzi:Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mark :So the following morning Jamie was woken up very early by the alarm.
Mark :Scared that he'd missed seeing the sailing under the bridge. Yeah, and being able to take some pictures and stuff. Yeah, literally. Jumped out of bed, okay, bolted to the balcony yeah, literally jumped out of bed.
Linzi:Okay, bolted to the balcony, yeah.
Mark :Again worried that he's going to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Yeah, but no timed it perfectly. Got there just as they were approaching the bridge. Stood there in awe admiring the view. Yeah, However in his sort of sleepy days.
Mark :And the rush to get to the bridge, yeah, to get to the balcony. Oh no, didn't realise until he'd been stood there a while and heard a few gasps, oh, that he was on his own balcony completely naked.
Linzi:And I'm guessing he'd not been to the bathroom first, so he'd just like a man in the morning.
Mark :He was a man in the morning. Um, well, you were assuming man to him, he could be a woman. It wasn't, it was man. Um, now, normally on a cruise balcony it's not a problem because, well, she might get the odd boat going past. It's not likely to better see anything because from a distance things are even smaller, so it's not normally a problem.
Linzi:Obviously if you're in port, obviously if you're a man in the morning.
Mark :Well, there could be other things going on, but Jamie had one of those balconies that's like a stadium balcony when the other ones are stacked above. So any of the balconies's like a stadium balcony? No, where the other ones are stacked above. So any of the?
Mark :yeah, so any of the balconies above you can look straight down as you're stretching and enjoying the view of the san francisco um golden gate bridge. Wow, so obviously jam. Jamie heard the gasps, went back inside, got dressed and, I'm assuming, went back outside afterwards with some clothes on, we'll never know.
Linzi:We'll never know.
Mark :We won't, because that bit he didn't actually say, Right? So Jamie is asking for forgiveness from us.
Linzi:He's asking me for forgiveness.
Mark :From us and our audience, but also for those passengers who were above the balcony, who let out the short gas and got more of a view than they were expecting that morning.
Linzi:Honestly darling, I'm so uncomfortable right now because not only am I picturing this person, nathan who I'll probably dream about tonight and it won't be the first time, who I'll probably dream about tonight and it won't be the first time but also I'm worried we're getting sued.
Mark :Can we not come?
Linzi:up with something else. Well, we're on with this.
Mark :At this point, we need to workshop this. Well, this is a live workshop. So are you forgiving this person? For me personally, it was clearly an accident. They jumped out of bed excited to see the bridge. We don't know how excited they were to see the bridge and I can understand how that happened, and for me it was accidental. So therefore, I'm saying forgiven, I'm not I'm gonna.
Mark :No one was hurt really no, I'm just and I'm sure a few of the people had a laugh and a chortle about it as well. Yeah, I would do if I were on one of the other bankers and someone went out naked. I'd find that funny you would find it funny, I would so, forgiven or not forgiven.
Linzi:I'm not using the word. I'm not getting sued. They can sue you. Do I feel for this person? Yes, am I using any terminology that could come from a popular segment of a popular show?
Mark :no, they can come for you okay and that that's the end of the first story, then hopefully there will be more.
Linzi:We need like a safety word that we can use that you. This is what we say when we let it slide.
Mark :Okay, we'll come up with something for the next one. Shall we go on to the news story, the auntie pun News stories? Okay, I'm still uncomfortable. Well, you don't need to be uncomfortable about this one. So the first news story. I think you might like this one Really. Yeah, the Norwegian Aqua, which is the new Prima Plus class ship.
Mark :That is due out next year.
Linzi:It's got a lovely transatlantic yeah, quite reasonable, but it's straight across. Yeah, it's got a lovely transatlantic yeah, quite reasonable, but it's straight across yeah, it's just straight.
Mark :Um now, norwegian cruise line is quite well known for doing its tribute shows. Yeah, and it does them in a big, outstanding, big show, as opposed to just someone in a bar. Um, and they've announced a tribute for a particular icon that has not been done on any of the cruise ships up to now. Who is it? And it's called Revolution, a Celebration of Prince. Ooh, now you're a big Prince fan.
Linzi:I love Prince. Very tiny person, huge Alan. Oh for goodness, I'm thinking about Jamie again.
Mark :They're doing an immersive Prince tribute show and it's one of the exclusive options on there. But they're also doing an expanded version of one of their shows, which is their highest guest rated show called Elements. Never seen it so can't really talk about it that much, but they're doing a sort of new version of that. What do you think about the Prince show? Would you like to see the Prince tribute show? You liked the George Michael tribute one that we saw on P&O Iona.
Linzi:I knew every song.
Mark :You did.
Linzi:I knew every song and he knew that I knew every song.
Mark :You can see it on some of our iona videos where you're sort of clapping along and singing, and it's even the more obscure ones. Um, you knew every word, didn't you? Yeah, yeah, second news story okay, the serenade of the seas, okay, which was world caribbean's one that they did the world cruise on oh, that one okay it's just finished.
Mark :On the 10th september. It's world cruise, so it started back in december. Yeah, just finished on the 10th. Yeah, now there were a lot of passengers that did the whole bit, but you could also buy it as well um, but it's the longest ever world cruise that world caribbean have done. Yeah, and they posted some interesting facts on there, so this is kind of a news story and some longest ever world cruise that Lord Caribbean have done.
Mark :Yeah, and they posted some interesting facts on there, so this is kind of a news story and some stats, but I thought they were quite interesting. Okay, so it sailed continuously for 274 days.
Mark :It did 75,015 miles. Yowzers Visited 65 countries. Lovely Saw eight wonders of the world. Iited 65 countries. Lovely Saw eight wonders of the world.
Linzi:I thought there were only seven.
Mark :Apparently there's eight. I'm guessing these are new wonders. I'm guessing so because it includes Machu Picchu Colosseum and other places.
Linzi:Okay, I want to do the ancient ones.
Mark :Yeah.
Linzi:Even the ones that I want to go find, the ones that Find the new.
Mark :find the new old ones, Finding the ones of Babylon. Yeah, I don't think that was on there. They had 5,877 birthdays on board. I thought you were going to say births. No, that would have been very impressive.
Mark :There were 103 different nationalities of passengers. Okay, so it shows how many people were interested in doing this worldwide. And then the vinyl stack that they put out there. I thought were an interesting stack, but I thought it was quite low. They had 1,174 haircuts but that doesn't seem that many, I understand. I would have thought it would have been a lot higher than that.
Linzi:No, no, no.
Mark :But yeah, so it's finished its journey, mm-hmm, and I just thought they were quite interesting, so new story issue.
Linzi:We need to know how many cocktails.
Mark :They didn't put that. I'd love to know how many cocktails there were. Yeah, yeah, because we know when we did that Enchanted Princess one, they hit 70,000 in a day because they announced it, so I would imagine it were quite a lot. Yeah, and the final news story Okay, virgin Voyages yes, love, virgin Voyages Is going to have announced that they're going to be starting doing weddings on Broadway. Oh, lovely, I like this. So it's weddings and vow renewals. Okay, so if you're already married, like we are, then you can do a vow renewal on there. They haven't given out a lot of details on them yet, oh, like pricing or anything. No, I have filled in the form.
Linzi:You've filled in the form To get the details. Okay, I don't know what my fiancé Justin will say about that.
Mark :On the recent celebration cruises that they did. Richard Branson officiated three weddings, so he did the dismal age to that well, what they have said is he ain't going to be giving up his full-time day job.
Linzi:No, for that they will be having other people honeymoon, that we went on, we we went on the virgin holidays on virgin atlantic as well and he signed our honeymoon certificate he did hand signed it. We've still got those in our wedding book it is yes, so you know, hopefully that's his signature so they the weddings and the vanuels go on sale for virgin later this year in autumn.
Mark :it just says so sometime in the next three months. Yeah about the fun and the for weddings starting from next summer. Yeah, so summer 2025.
Linzi:Oh nice.
Mark :What would you like to see them doing on them? What would make it a virgin wedding for you?
Linzi:Um well.
Mark :Because there's literally no details out on them.
Mark :So it's your chance to create your.
Linzi:I mean, I guess you could have a really special Scarlet night one where you wear red and then Sort of in the wedding on Scarlet night. Yeah, and then you jump in the pool.
Mark :So you have a red wedding dress.
Linzi:Oh, a red wedding. What could happen?
Mark :I don't know anything with red weddings that have ended badly. You could arrange to have some violins playing and some archers nearby.
Linzi:Do you remember that day when I'd read the book and I'd sit there and you had to watch the episode? And then, when you watched it, you were like what else are you keeping from me? Do you know how hard that was?
Mark :Anywho, You're terrible at secrets. When it comes to like. I'm just saying, the fact that you kept that from me for nearly a year was both impressive and worrying, yeah it's a good wedding. So you'd like to see them doing some Scarlet Knight themed ones. That'd be interesting if they did them.
Linzi:I mean, everybody'd get on board with that, wouldn't they?
Mark :Yeah, it'd be. I don't know if you'd do it during the During, but on the lead-up.
Linzi:That'd be nice.
Mark :That'd be a very virgin.
Linzi:A very virgin thing to do.
Mark :But we have said before that virgin also has some of the fanciest dressed people on any cruise ship, so I can also see the weddings on there being incredibly glamorous.
Linzi:I'd love to go to a wedding on a Virgin Voyages. Yeah, I would. I'd love that.
Mark :Yeah, where would you like the weddings to be held on there? Where do you think they're better?
Linzi:Location on the ship.
Mark :Yeah, because obviously all the ships are pretty much the same.
Linzi:I want to say well, my favourite, the dock house at the back.
Mark :So the dock bar at the back, the outside bit.
Mark :Yeah, that for me would be right up there.
Linzi:For a little wedding, for a small wedding, and then it's a big area, that it's alright, but nice for a little. You know, with the it'd be loved. That would be lovely.
Mark :Um, and then further up I'm guessing that they might consider, you know, depending on the weather. Yeah, it's obviously. It's windy, definitely not, but like the perch area up on deck 18, is that not the nudist? Yeah, but I'm not necessarily saying the nudist will be there at that point well, no, unless you nudists get married. In which case, perfect place to do it.
Linzi:And I think they prefer the term nurturist.
Mark :Nurturist.
Mark :Not nurturist.
Linzi:A nurturist, a sweet nurturist.
Mark :That's a separate channel.
Linzi:Well, very niche.
Mark :Yeah, so I think the poet should be a good place to talk about it, yeah, or?
Linzi:you should do it Austin Powers style, where you haven't strategically placed items.
Mark :I think that's more how the camera works, as opposed to you just having the items moving with it, any else that you can think of or anything else that you would like to see them doing on it, because obviously Richard Branson will be listening to this, I'm sure. So this is your chance to put your sort of pitches out there in terms of what you'd like to see them do.
Linzi:I would like it to be. Imagine coming down the roundabout stairs. Now you're going to have to be careful because those stairs are weird, but you know, like in coming to america, it's like this is your bride, here she is. I can't do this.
Mark :You'd like to see some of the happenings cast involved musically accompanied. Yes, I didn't do it very well, but yes I, yes, I think it would be fun to get some of the Happenings cast involved. Yeah, yeah, I would like to see them doing something.
Linzi:Could the DVa do vow renewals and things like that?
Mark :That would be fantastic. Yeah, so that's my idea, if that's another thing If the yeah Virgin, you need to make that happen. The DVa doing the vow renewals would be amazing, because I would be definitely up for doing the vow renewals on Virgin if it was the diva doing it.
Linzi:Yeah, because I think, in respect to maritime law, it has to be a senior officer that does the wedding, doesn't it? Yeah, so maybe they'll have to make some of the happenings cast, I don't know what.
Mark :I don't know, They'll have to do, I'm sure I think you can do that online pretty easily.
Linzi:No, I didn't mean it like that. I meant like for navigating via the stars.
Mark :Okay, any final thoughts? No, well, that brings us to the end of this episode.
Linzi:I feel like we have had a therapy session there. Cheers, friends, cheers. Thank you for listening and have a lovely day. Or watching, or you can do it both ways. You can Hot or cold. Thank you.